Monday, December 19, 2016

monday rewind


You can imagine how fun it is moving the week before Christmas. In case you can't, it's full of nervous breakdowns that your kitchen is a disaster and you have no presents ready for the following weekend. 

You know, lots of fun.

Before we closed on Friday, my running week was pretty good - right on schedule. Then we MOVED. And let's just say moving furniture until you can't feel your arms doesn't get you excited to go for a run. And then unpacking on Sunday gives you about as much motivation to go run as the day before. 

Thankfully, our new local YMCA has an indoor track so we don't have to run on a treadmill. Although I'm not sure which one I dislike more. There's the fourteen laps it takes to run one mile and then watching the same sweaty person in front of me run approximately ten times faster than me for ten and a half minutes.  

First world problems. 

This week, I'm back on track. But I give it to this weekend when the holiday rolls around and we're traveling. Again. It's probably going to look like this past week. Plus a couple pounds of cookies and candies.

And lots of layers to run outside.

How's your running? Has it moved inside because of the weather or are you braving the cold? If it's the latter, tell me your secret! Upstate New York is a frozen tundra with icy wind right now.

Until the next rewind, peace out lifers.

- Allison Rae

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