Tuesday, April 25, 2017

tuesday rewind


I'll take more sun and less rain, please. Pretty, pretty please.

I should be much closer to a third of that circle being filled in and it's not even close to being at a quarter! I have my fingers crossed though that with a turn in weather there'll be more chances to get outside and bike and run. And hopefully by then I'll stop getting sick from the peek-a-boo weather changes.

Having a mild case of the flu (or a really bad cold) is really the pits when the weather is ACTUALLY nice. And keeping a running streak going is especially challenging. But here I am, migraine and flu be damned, at day two thirty-nine.

There's just some slower days mixed in there...

April is wrapping up and I still haven't run any races this month but there are two or three 5Ks on Saturday that I'm eyeing. I just have to figure out which one I want to suck kick ass at. It's definitely not going to be the duathlon, but maybe I can convince Ryan to do it so I can cheer him on. 

In a life outside of running and exercising, I started watching Girl Boss on Netflix. Have you? I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. But I like Britt Robertson so I'm sticking it out for the first season. 

And while I'm not sure how I found this and my day has been made. This garter belt but for men's shirts is perfect for those all too common bend and snap moments. You just watch it and tell me you didn't fan yourself either around the 43 second mark.

I also baked for the first time in FOREVER. What came about were some of the driest brownies I've ever made. While they weren't terrible and could be paired with ice cream for enhanced eat-ability, I definitely won't be using the recipe again. You live bake and learn, I guess.

How about you guys? What's going on with you? Are you watching Girl Boss? Does it get good? What's something you've made recently that rocked your taste bud world? 

Peace out, alfalfa sprouts. - Allison

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