Saturday, December 5, 2015

Top Five | Christmas Songs

Do you ever feel like it's not christmas until one particular song comes on the radio? 

Like it doesn't matter if you've heard all the classic christmas songs. Once that ONE song hits the airwaves, it's CHRISTMAS. You can officially celebrate the season. Break out the mulled wine, wrap all the gifts, and cozy up by the fire.

No? Just me? That's fine. Although, for me, it's like five songs.

And I know A LOT of christmas songs. Like I know so many songs it bothers my husband. A couple years back we were putting up some decorations and listening to holiday music to get us in the spirit. I think after twenty minutes or so of me singing along to the radio, Ryan turned to me and asked if there was "any christmas song you don't know?" The answer to which is, no. Then I was asked if we could just LISTEN to the music. Grinch.

But for me, these five songs are what make my season. Once I hear 'em, the season's officially started. 

What's your song? Any one you HAVE to hear before it can be christmas?

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