Sunday, November 20, 2016

definitive rankings of milka chocolate

Now is the perfect time to talk about the best chocolate I've ever had in my life.

It's been a week from hell and I'm hoping that a couple pounds bars of this stuff, a two day work week, and the thanksgiving holiday will make everything better.

Milka chocolate was one of the best things Ryan and I found in Germany. And we tried it ALL. I'm not joking. All. Of. It. Then he told me we can buy it at one of our local delis.

My week's already getting better.

So after we had them all once, we took one for the team and ate them all again. Ranking our favorites and quickly stock piling them. I suggest you scope out your local deli or amazon this stuff quick. Here's our favorites...

▪ Oreo
▪ Strawberry Yogurt
▪ Caramel
▪ Toffee Whole Nut (toffee ganznuss)
▪ Triple Caramel

▪ Marzipan
▪ Peanut Caramel
▪ Daim
▪ Whole Hazelnut (ganze haselnüsse)
▪ Oreo

What's your favorite brand of chocolate? Do you have a ranking? Chocolate is an essential part of my run recovery strategy. I NEED to know.

Until the next sugar high, peace out, lifers.

- Allison Rae

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